понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Orange County Cal

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 7, 03:10 PM

    Um, Don't know what chart you were looking at, but with both processors being used, the 1.25 kicked the "snot" out of the PC's.
    Ohhh, you mean that one test where the Mac beat an old dual Athlon by, look, 2 points? 38/40 hardly matters, especially seeing as how Athlon MP's are available at 1.8ghz rather than the 1.6ghz tested. Xeons are available at up to 2.8ghz if you want a real top of the line SMP PC. How do you suppose the dual 1.25 would do against that sort of competition?

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  • citizenzen
    Mar 16, 11:57 AM



    Fourth, since climate change is simply a myth cooked up by liberals to control the world, we don't have to worry about the impact these fossil fuels will have on our atmosphere.


    Rolled my eyes so far I think I pulled something.


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  • Silentwave
    Jul 12, 04:08 PM
    Smallish mid-tower case
    Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.8Ghz or better
    1GB RAM
    250GB SATA 3.0 HD
    1-PCIe x16 Slot
    1-Standard PCI Slot
    6-USB 2.0 ports (One in front)
    1- Firewire 800 port (in front)
    Dual Layer DVD
    Onboard 10/100/1000 (I don't care if its wireless, but a wireless opition would be nice but not necessary)
    Graphics Card should be x1600XT or better with 256mb RAM

    I want it at or less than $1199.00

    Now gimmie

    Fine. tell me where we can get everything but the processor for $200 and we have a deal. Conroe doesn't have anything above 2.66 that isn't an extreme edition. So your next stop is the X6800 2.93GHz Extreme Edition- $999 per chip.


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  • latergator116
    Mar 21, 06:44 AM
    My comments were about the people who wrote the software, not those that just use it. It's the PyMusique programmers that may face legal troubles, while those who merely use the software may or may not face consequences (I suspect that the worse for them might be termination of their iTunes account, in which case they won't have to worry any longer about iTunes DRM).
    Thanks for clearing that up, but I still don't undertsand why the creator(s) of PhMusique sohuld face legal charges. What have they done illegaly?


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  • ryme4reson
    Oct 10, 02:59 AM
    Well I tested my G4 933, and I have CHUD tools installed so I can disable my L2 and L3 cache. I also could not get the java to work so I compiled with C++, its the same stuff, but I used time() with gave me seconds, so * 1000 to get the adjusted scores

    Here are my scores

    933 256L2 2MBL3 79 seconds or 79000
    933 NO L2 or L3 124 seconds or 124000
    933 L2 only 79 seconds
    933 L3 only 79 seconds

    Judging by these scores I have to think that CHUD is not working and it only worked with completely disabled. as the diff of 45 seconds.

    And you can get CHUD from apple ftp.apple.com

    Needless to say it takes me 79 seconds when a PV is completing this in 5-10 seconds, something is wrong!! (the the G4)

    Lastly, I have not seen BACKTOTHEMAC telling us how great the G4 is lately, must be installing Win 2K under VPC with a stopwatch in 1 hand, an apple in the other, and a smile on his face...

    <EDIT> I am gonna try to run this on my brothers 333 celeron on a 66MHZ bus with 320 RAM, I know my 933 is not the fastest, but maybe it just found its competition. :) </EDIT>

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  • Mikael
    Jul 13, 05:54 AM
    What should Adobe-users do? Instead of complaining to Apple, they should complain to Adobe. How hard is it REALLY to make Mac-Photoshop run on Intel-Mac? they already have Intel-versions of their software running on Windows, it shouldn't be THAT hard.
    I've been wondering about this too. Surely they have the source code (or most of it) written in a high level language, right? If I'm not totally mistaken, there shouldn't be that much more work involved than a re-compilation for x86. Even if some filters or other stuff are hand coded in assembler, they already have that code in x86-assembler in the Windows version.


    Orange County Cal. Orange County, CA
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  • takao
    Mar 15, 04:16 AM
    Here is the article to which you referred. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-12740843

    It fails to mention that the statistic noted, "8,217 microsieverts an hour" was measured at the front door of the damaged power plant. Link (http://www.naeil.com/news/eboard_view.asp?location=1&mn_id=3149) As was said in the article I quoted above, radiation levels decrease drastically with distance.

    true but still it's way more than is acceptable for nuclear station personal.. or otherwise they wouldn't have evacuated wouldn't they ? ;)

    as you say this 8.000 microSievert were recorded at the gate. Did you hear how much the maximum value was they recorded on site around the hot points ? (don't know wether that was reactor 2 or the fire involving spent fuel in reactor 4) they actually mentioned it in one of the press conferences last night:
    100 mSv ....that is 100.000 microSievert or 41,5 the average yearly dosis or _twice they yearly legal limit for nuclear powerplant workers_
    i don't need a reporter telling me about Sievert values. i measured them myself while i wearing a thick rubber suit.


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  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 03:49 PM
    One word.


    That's fine for soaking up occasional peak demand (I linked to 'vehicle to grid' techology a few posts back), but not providing energy for a full night... unless you have a link that says otherwise?


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  • Eraserhead
    Mar 16, 01:49 PM
    Other than for aeroplanes oil isn't subsidised here in communist Europe - in fact its heavily taxed.

    Coal and Natural Gas aren't subsidised either.


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  • NewGenAdam
    Mar 11, 04:53 PM
    "10.45pm GMT: Now there are reports from nuclear plant operator Tepco that the Fukushima No 2 plant has lost cooling to three of its reactors.

    It was one reactor in the Fukushima No 1 plant that had been the cause for concern earlier – so this news is certainly unwelcome."

    British newspaper, The Guardian (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/11/japan-tsunami-earthquake-live-coverage)
    -very good and quickly updated live page. Probably faster than the BBC because I'd say the BBC puts relatively higher value on accuracy and authority of news than its speed. But there's not much in it.

    The situation doesn't look too promising...


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  • Moyank24
    Mar 27, 09:36 PM
    But why should they have to be celibate just because some religious nuts have a problem with them? His organization can do whatever they want, but the point of organizations is to try to improve life for the future. And making gay people celibate will not be the way of the future, i can promise you that. Actually, it's not even the way of the present, only unintelligent people would want to do that.


    And it's not only unintelligent people, but people who have been brainwashed by religion...people who truly believe they will go to Hell if they act on those "urges". It is sickening.


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  • Doctor Q
    Mar 20, 06:21 PM
    Is there anybody here who has ever changed their mind about digital rights management, i.e., accepted and then rejected it or rejected it and then accepted it over time? We've heard many members trying to convince others and I wonder if everybody has their mind permanently made up.

    Has anybody ever "switched" on this issue?


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  • darkplanets
    Mar 13, 10:17 AM
    I too don't expect anything like Chernobyl. But, it doesn't help when a Government "Official" tells the media that there is nothing to worry about then another "Official" mentions that there could be a meltdown or something.

    Government officials are government officials-- they will never outright tell you the truth, because 9 times out of 10 they're uninformed about it or were told to say something they may not necessarily believe. They usually try to cover their bases-- see this way the government is covered in case something does happen.

    well flooding the inner containment vessel with seawater + added boric acid is by all means an absolute last resort option in any playbook
    (hardly a DIY solution: many reactors have the option and external connectors to do just that)
    afterall they don't even know the situation inside because the temperature sensors aren't working anymore
    also since that water can't be exchanged directly it means that they might have to cool the containment construction from the outside with additional water
    I'll definitely agree with you there; it's not ideal, but it will work. Remember that BWRs will continue to make heat post control rod insertion. Boric acid itself isn't that toxic... in fact it can be rather useful in many chemistry situations. Also, if we're talking blunt toxicity, remember you make boric acid through borax, something we use every day in detergents. The LD50 for Boric acid is actually higher than table salt, although there are some reproductive health concerns. I think the biggest problem we're seeing here was the lack of redundancy for external power supplies, and the potential lack of modern safety systems-- as per my previous post, there's supposed to be a wide range of safety measures to assure that this never happens, but due to it's age, who knows.[/quote]

    As a consequence the German government for example is already thinking about taking back their early decision to extend the use of their current nuclear plants
    This is what I dislike. Not to get all political here, but alternative energy, however nice, is nowhere even close to providing the power we need. Windmills cannot ever meet energy demand; we're talking about a 5% fill if we put them everywhere. They're also too costly at this point for their given power output. Solar energy, though promising, still has a piss poor efficiency, and thus isn't ready for prime usage for some time. There's really no other alternatives. Despite these few instances (usually caused by human error) nuclear power is actually quite safe... but most people aren't educated enough to know whats actually the deal, and instead listen to the likes of Greenpeace and so on, who coincidentally also have no idea what they're talking about. If Germany is that concerned, they should be upgrading their safety systems, not abandoning it.

    While the thread seems to be focused on the crisis at the nuclear power station, pictures are emerging showing the devastation left behind by the tsunami...

    That is far more destruction than the power station could bring.


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  • jamespa66
    Mar 18, 09:33 AM
    They can detect in a lot of way, for instance since you can't use flash on an iphone or iPad, if they see lots of flash stuff they you are probably tethering, also certain popular sites detect mobile devices and send the mobile version of the site if you are loading the full versions of those sites they could detect tethering, these are only a couple of simple things but there are plenty more, so I don't think this is going to be limited to the latest iOS.

    Just my thought on the matter.

    Easiest way is for them to sniff the network traffic and look at the packets, the origination machines MAC address is listed. If the MAC address is not in the Apple iPhone list of MAC addresses then it is obviously coming from a tethered machine.


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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 10, 12:49 PM
    If you are going to buy something to mainly play games on when you are out of the house which one are you going to buy.

    Ipod Touch: 230$ USD
    Nintendo DS: 130$ USD
    PSP: 130$ USD

    I think the price of the PSP and DS make them more attractive that and the point they are not an mp3 player that can play touch games.

    The iOS devices do not have the hardware that a made for gaming handheld has. a PSP still has better graphics then any iOS game rendered on the spot. The PSP and DS also have a larger advantage...Hard buttons. for real gaming that is a must.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 15, 09:22 PM
    Calling the safety of nuclear energy in general into question on the back of it is silly.

    Ah, but once again it's all about location, location, location, and they don't have any viable sites for safe nuclear energy, if such a thing exists.


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  • geofftay
    Mar 18, 08:26 PM
    Don't care how many times this has been regurgitated...

    I paid money for the file. I dont care about the license. I dont own my books, my software, my music, my life, my anything if I sit back and shut up. So the only issue here that bothers me is that short term, this could affect how I get my music and what I pay for it. Long term? It wont make a damn bit of difference... RIAA will eventually lose this war.


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  • File:Orange County California

  • gugy
    Jul 12, 03:46 PM
    A follow-up question: why the obsession with Photoshop, After Effects and Illustrator? There are other apps out there as well. Why does it seem that about 105% of Mac-users are Photoshop-users as well (I bet that PhotoShop-users are in fact in the minority)? Everything related to Apple, OS X and Macs seem to boil down to "but what about PhotoShop?". Well, what about it?

    You are worried about the fact that Adobe's apps are not yet Universal? Fine, then don't buy a MacIntel. Problem solved.

    wow, you just don't get it.

    I am a freelance motion graphics designer. I work on many companies in L.A. and NY. After Effects, Photoshop and Illustrator are their core applications. Plus many print designers relly on Photoshop and Illustrator. Those people will not jump on the Pro Mac as long as the Adobe apps are not universal.
    Second, you still not mentioned what apps would substitute the Adobe trio mentioned above. So my answer to that is none.

    If you are mainly a video editor, maybe it would be OK to upgrade because FCP will be universal, but I am talking about a major segment on the industry that solely relly on Adobe. This people will not jump on the bandwagon right away. This people wil not change and learn a new app just because the latest Mac is not suited for their needs. They will wait few more months.

    So if you think Adobe apps can be substitute with something else on the professiopnal level, then you definately have no clue of what are you talking about.


    Orange County Cal. Orange County Register
  • Orange County Register

  • awmazz
    Mar 11, 08:57 AM

    To get an idea of how massive this one was, I am in Himeji, and just an hour east of me, in Osaka, buildings were swaying. Now if you look at a map of where the quake is and how far away Osaka is, my god.

    No link. TV coverage - NHK World.


    Sep 20, 12:11 PM
    What do you do with your Xbox that would been relevant to watching videos on your TV?

    Can you load Vids onto the Xbox HD and play them??

    If you fit a mod chip to an Xbox it allows you to do lots of cool things, including upgrading the hard drive and run non certified software (eg homebrew, open source).

    Probaby the most popular is Xbox Media Centre, which is what it says and does it pretty well. So for about &#163;150 you end up with a decent media centre which isn't bad, plus its a game console as well.

    Oct 9, 01:29 PM
    Originally posted by Backtothemac
    Tell you what. I am setting up a Dual 867 for the Mall store with 256 MB Ram, and this thing is installing Windows under VPC faster than the PIII 733's that we have here. They are not SLOW! They may not have as fast a clock speed as a PC but who really gives a crap!

    Macs have again taken the lead in my opinion with OS X and the Dual 1.25.

    No one will ever change my mind. Call me a zealot, but that is what I think.

    How incredibly ignorant. You know as well as everyone else here that this is complete ************. What really pisses me of is when people with agendas put spin on an issue. This is exactly what you are doing. Your remark is equally as arrogant as saying "PC's are faster and nobody will change my mind because they boot in 10 seconds in Windows XP and the Mac takes over a minute."

    This attitude does not help Apple, and it does nothing but hurt the Mac community. You know folks it's interesting when you look back to the early to mid 90's at all the Windows bigots... you know those people who we tried to show them something intresting, something different, and something cool... the Macintosh, and they are entirely closed minded and extremely aggrogant. No matter how what you did, said, or anything else mattered. I'm seeing the exact same thing here, and it's discusting.

    I would suggest you �Think Different.�..

    Sep 23, 02:14 AM
    I've noticed a lot of people going on about the iTV being 802.11n compatible. What I want to know is how is this going to be incorporated into wireless networks that are currently supporting 802.11 a,b & g. If it is going to be 802.11n then we are all going to need new routers to accommodate the higher transfer rate, and what about all those individuals possessing an imac / mac mini with built in wireless with no way to upgrade to the new standard without getting new machines or additional hardware. its going to be an expensive upgrade on top of the $299 price for an iTV

    Jul 12, 12:19 AM
    I hate to say it but since I got my macbook black I have been using winxp and not osx. XP runs faster, is compatible with all apps like photoshop and office natively and runs perfectly. I have been very impressed. So impressed that I decided to build a core 2 duo desktop from newegg and I did it for Under $900. Now lets see apple top that pricing. (core 2 duo chip on order from buy.com)

    Sorry but I think I have lost hope for OS X. I got the media center edition OS with the new computer I am building with dual tuner TV card. Watching tv via my xbox 360 is a dream. Mac will never be able to accomplish this task. Front row sucks.

    If I bought a new mac pro (which I won't because its going to be a rippoff) I would just run XP on it.

    For instance, I got two Radeon 16xPCIe X1600xt supporting crossfire with 512mb ram each from newegg for $120 each. Everything is just cheaper.

    After a while you get to a point in your work where you realize seeing the neat apple OS is just not that important. Not when you can run crappy XP (which sorry to disappoint never crashes) for 1/3rd the price and 4x the speed.

    Comon apple, make a media center mac and figure out a way to use PC graphics cards. After spending $500 on my Radeon 800xt with 256mb ram I wil l NEVER do it again. Not when I can get dual crossfire cards for half the price and 4x the performance.

    I guess I am a half switcher. Using macbook pro but XP only. LOL!

    Have fun!


    Sep 20, 06:09 AM
    Er, that's what your Mac is for.

    All these calls for adding tuners, hard drives and burners are missing the point. Those functions belong in the host computer. iTV is just a method of getting the content from your Mac/PC to your stereo or TV.

    Yeah Ok, thats fine, but then I also need a machine to get content from my TV/tuner/satelite to my Mac.

    As I understand it, iTV is only for wireless streaming in one direction. If I need a cable to get broadcast programmes into my Mac, then I may as well use that cable to get the content back onto my TV!

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