вторник, 17 мая 2011 г.

Studebaker Silver Hawk

Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1958 STUDEBAKER SILVER HAWK

  • skunk
    Apr 24, 07:20 PM
    Those verses you quoted are, as I said, historical.They purport to be the historical record of the exhortations to kill of El himself, much as the Quran.

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1959 STUDEBAKER SILVER HAWK 6

  • kresh
    Sep 20, 06:14 AM
    Oh please, yes. For me, iTV will only truly be the final piece of the jigsaw if I can also watch my recorded (and possibly live) EyeTV content through it.

    A hook-up between Apple and Elgato sounds the most natural thing. Elgato should continue to make hardware for all the various TV standards (terrestrial / cable / sat / digital / etc etc), but perhaps use some Apple desigers to make their boxes a bit more "Apple-looking". Then, Apple can take the EyeTV 2.x software and integrate it with iTunes.

    To those that say that Apple won't allow this because it would hit their own TV show revenues from the iTunes store... I disagree. They'll have to give in sooner or later, because EyeTV isn't going to go away. Would iTunes/iPod have been such a success if they'd have made us purchase all our music from iTunes, even the stuff we alread had on CD?

    I'm not going to pay �3 (or whatever) for an Episode of Lost if I could have recorded on EyeTV last night... especially when C4 repeat each episode about 6 times per week anyway.


    I was hoping that's the purpose of the USB port. I know many are thinking it's for the iPod, but I'm hoping you can plug a tuner in :)

    edit: in addition to the plug-in tuner, I hope it streams backwards to the computer harddrive.

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1959-Studebaker-Silver-Hawk
  • 1959-Studebaker-Silver-Hawk

  • BWhaler
    Jul 11, 11:47 PM
    I certainly don't know, but in the past I thought Apple would of gone with the Conroe chip.

    But Apple is being very aggressive these days, and appears to be going to marketshare now that Microsoft is showing serious signs of aging.

    My hope is for the Woodcrest chip. I would buy that in a heart beat since it is 64 bit and more future proof. A conroe system will make me wait out a year (like I did with the MBPros...I've been waiting on the real chip the Core 2 Duo...)


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. Silver Hawk
  • Silver Hawk

  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 24, 10:55 AM
    Is it fear? If I admit this is BS, I go to hell? Simple ignorance?

    Yes, and insecurity, self-delusion (we are the centre of the Universe line of thinking), control, etc. These have all been expounded on in previous threads.

    6,000 years is nothing, the mere blink of a eye, if they will but see.

    Man's advancement (good and bad) has been nothing short of miraculous in the last Millennium. I'd like to stick around, but it ain't gonna happen.

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • alex_ant
    Oct 9, 08:08 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Maybe we have, but nobody has provided compelling evidence to the contrary.
    You must be joking. Reference after reference has been provided and you simply break from the thread, only to re-emerge in another thread later. This has happened at least twice now that I can remember.
    The Mac hardware is capable of 18 billion floating calculations a second. Whether the software takes advantage of it that's another issue entirely.
    My arse is capable of making 8-pound turds, but whether or not I eat enough baked beans to take advantage of that is another issue entirely. In other words,

    18 gigaflops = about as likely as an 8-pound turd in my toilet. Possible, yes (under the most severely ridiculous condtions). Real-world, no.
    If someone is going to argue that Macs don't have good floating point performance, just look at the specs.
    For the - what is this, fifth? - time now: AltiVec is incapable of double precision, and is capable of accelerating only that code which is written specifically to take advantage of it. Which is some of it. Which means any high "gigaflops" performance quotes deserve large asterisks next to them.
    If they really want good performance and aren't getting it they need to contact their favorite developer to work with the specs and Apple's developer relations.
    Exactly, this is the whole problem - if a developer wants good performance and can't get it, they have to jump through hoops and waste time and money that they shouldn't have to waste.
    Apple provides the hardware, it is up to developer companies to utilize the hardware the best way they can. If they can't utilize Apple's hardware to its most efficient mode, then they should find better developers.
    Way to encourage Mac development, huh? "Hey guys, come develop for our platform! We've got a 3.5% national desktop market share and a 2% world desktop market share, and we have an uncertain future! We want YOU to spend time and money porting your software to OUR platform, and on top of that, we want YOU to go the extra mile to waste time and money that you shouldn't have to waste just to ensure that your code doesn't run like a dog on our ancient wack-job hack of a processor!"
    If you are going to complain that Apple doesn't have good floating point performance, don't use a PC biased spec like Specfp.
    "PC biased spec like SPECfp?" Yes, the reason PPC does so poorly in SPEC is because SPECfp is biased towards Intel, AMD, Sun, MIPS, HP/Compaq, and IBM (all of whose chips blow the G4 out of the water, and not only the x86 chips - the workstation and server chips too, literally ALL of them), and Apple's miserable performance is a conspiracy engineered by The Man, right?
    Go by actual floating point calculations a second.
    Why? FLOPS is as dumb a benchmark as MIPS. That's the reason cross-platform benchmarks exist.
    Nobody has shown anything to say that PCs can do more floating point calculations a second. And until someone does I stand by my claim.
    An Athlon 1700+ scores about what, 575 in SPECfp2000 (depending on the system)? Results for the 1.25GHz G4 are unavailable (because Apple is ashamed to publish them), but the 1GHz does about 175. Let's be very gracious and assume the new GCC has got the 1.25GHz G4 up to 300. That's STILL terrible. So how about an accurate summary of the G4's floating point performance:

    On the whole, poor.******

    * Very strong on applications well-suited to AltiVec and optimized to take advantage of it.

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. Studebakers were great looking
  • Studebakers were great looking

  • ChrisA
    Jul 12, 12:19 PM
    Just as a data point for you all: I'm typing this on a dual processor Xeon runing at 3.6 Ghz.
    Each procesor has 1M cache. The system has 4GB RAM and some 10K RPM Ultra-SCSI disks. It runs Linux. This system runs circles around any current Intel Mac. I'm not putting Mac down. Not at all. I just wanted to let you all know to expect a huge performane jump when these new dual and quad core woodcrest machines come out.

    You want my guess about what's comming. Apple will offer a high-end dual Woodcrest, quad core "mac pro" and it will be expensive. But they will also offer a lower-end dual processor (Conroe) tower. in a mini-tower configuration. Call it a "Mac Pro Lite" for arounr $2K


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk.
  • 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk.

  • CountBoni
    Mar 18, 05:16 AM
    Hey mates! I live in the UK and according to what I've read, what american mobile companies are charging you is a rip-off! I pay �35 per month (tax included, about $55 USD) and I get: 2000 any network-any time minutes, 5000 same network minutes, 5000 any network messages, UNLIMITED internet, that's right, no capping, no "fair usage policies", UNLIMITED! AAAAND I can tether with up to 5 devices, (macbook and iPad in my case and even my mates iPod touch from time to time when we are out). No extra fees, no hidden tricks. And my iPhone is unlocked, so I can sell it when my contract finishes and any person can use in any country or any network. COMPLAIN PEOPLE!:apple:


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1957-Studebaker-Silver-Hawk
  • 1957-Studebaker-Silver-Hawk

  • Pilgrim1099
    Apr 9, 09:42 PM
    I 'm waiting for Apple to BUY Nintendo.

    Will never, ever happen. Do some research. Nintendo is based off from Japan, not the USA originally.

    And guess who's come back from the dead?


    What goes around, comes around. Apple can stay on for so long and sooner or later, they're bound to fall. They're human and they can't keep it up forever.

    EDIT: I meant this http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_TronVideo.aspx

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. В Silver Hawk не чего же
  • В Silver Hawk не чего же

  • jchung
    Mar 18, 11:07 AM
    Hopefully this will lighten the strain on the network.

    The network load claims from AT&T are a bit of a red herring. Don't trust their numbers as they can't get the accounting right on their end anyway. See this long running thread on Apple's forum - http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2450738

    For those of you on the tiered plan... watch the data usage closely on AT&T's account management site. Make sure it matches what you know of your usage. For many people, AT&T's accounting of data usage does not match their own use of the device.

    AT&T MUST fix their accounting before they have a moral leg to stand on to pull a stunt like this.

    For those of you complaining about the theft of service, how about the theft of money from the customer by AT&T?


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. V-8 as the Silver Hawk,
  • V-8 as the Silver Hawk,

  • geezusfreeek
    Mar 18, 06:31 PM
    All this is just a more convenient way to get the same result as running your purchased music through Hymn or JHymn. It's not quite the same as burning and ripping a CD though, since that is lossy.


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • hulugu
    Mar 14, 11:28 PM
    There is absolutely no need to be insulting. Quote your "studies", first of all, but I find your assertion pretty bizarre as originally stated - mostly because Death Valley is almost entirely subsumed within Death Valley National Park. Unless you something we don't know, there is zero chance that you are going to be installing a 100 square mile solar array in the park. Not to mention the mountainous topography.

    You're correct. It's useful to think of the area needed for solar power, but subsuming Death Valley with solar panels isn't a realistic solution.

    Solar panels are a useful supplement to other power sources in certain regions where favorable environmental conditions exist. But no more than that I'm afraid.

    I'm not sure why alternative energy sources are required to be a silver bullet in a way that other sources like nuclear, coal, and natural gas are not. The way to fill our energy needs is a death by a thousand cuts, which will include conservation and new technologies.

    Energy should be localized to some degree, thus Iceland can use geothermal to its advantage, England can use wind and tidal, and Australia can use solar.

    Finally, there is tremendous social, political, and economic pressure to continue using fossil fuels and nuclear energy rather than the alternatives. Even though alternatives are now more prevalent than before and enjoy increasing popularity, fossil fuel and nuclear energy are going to be used heavily until all the fuel is exhausted.


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1958 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1958 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • rasmasyean
    Mar 11, 10:17 PM
    Wikipedia seems to be kept up to date. If you have something new, maybe you guys can add it to this...if someone didn't beat you to it. ;)



    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1958 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1958 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • Pilgrim1099
    Apr 9, 03:36 PM
    Go away? i didn't say that.

    No, a merger by acquisition which would result in a merging of the Wii and Apple TV of course.

    The problem with your view is that Nintendo is a JAPANESE corporation and they are still the boss over the USA counterpart. Apple has to kiss Japan's ass first to do that. I heard a very old story from the 1990s that Microsoft tried to buy them out which Nintendo of Japan's CEO, at the time, discussed and revealed in an interview.

    Guess what? Nintendo of Japan gave Ballmer the finger. Secondly, Nintendo and Apple could partner up in a deal, theoretically, but a buyout will never happen. And no, the Daimler/Chrysler situation is not a good comparison for this industry.

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1960 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1960 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • neiltc13
    Apr 9, 07:03 PM
    I can't see how Apple making a Bluetooth controller, which, say looked a bit like a PS3/360 controller, and selling it as an optional accessory could be in any way a negative thing.

    No-one would be forced to buy it, and no devs would be forced to support it.
    Apple could insist every game have on screen controls for people who wanted to only use the touch screen for gaming.
    But apps could support the external controller also.

    This could only be win win for Apple and users.
    It's adding additional functionality and adding the possibility for more advanced games to be developed for the device in the future, esp as the speed will only get better as new iPad's come out.

    Not doing so, almost feels like they wish to cripple the device forever.

    Why would anyone say they would not want Apple to give users and devs the "Option" of something like this? Not force people to use it, but sell it as an "Option"

    If they do this then the iPad had a chance of becoming a genuine serious gaming device in the home in the long term. If they insist forever to only support touch screen, then the iPad will always remain that thing which plays cheap and simple games.

    You raise an interesting point, but would holding an iPad with a gamepad around it really be that comfortable?

    I can think of two reasons why it wouldn't be:

    Device weight and the distance at which you'd have to hold it for it to be usable. iPad is 601g - holding that at arm's length or thereabouts while trying to concentrate on a game could be quite difficult, especially for younger users. It's almost three times the weight of a Nintendo DSi.

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1959 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1959 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • Liquorpuki
    Mar 14, 12:16 PM
    The US is actually in a very good position to switch towards much more renewable energy while at the same time, upgrading our aging infrastructure. That said, what we lack is the political will and political capital to actually push such initiatives.

    Look up State RPS and DOE programs. Legislation has been in place for awhile. Here in CA, we had a 33% renewables mandated by 2020 law passed in 2006. The problem isn't political. It's financial and technological. Financial because most of these renewables are way more expensive and require rate hikes. Technological because energy storage sucks and most of these renewables can't be used for base load.

    Nuclear is not a necessity in the US like it MAY (I say may because I am skeptical but will take your word for it) be in Japan, and I think the current crisis going on there should make us seriously stop and think for a minute. The combination of wind, solar, tidal and geo-thermal could be quite effective here. Especially when you start consider the option of offshore wind farms which they have already approved in some parts of the NE.

    Wind and solar can't cover base load. Tidal is too small in capacity. Geothermal is speculated to have the potential to cover only 10% of US capacity by 2050 and that's assuming demand won't skyrocket due to electric vehicles (which it will). That's also too small in capacity. For the US, there is no other option for base load generation other than coal, nuclear, or combined cycle natural gas. So all the replace nuclear/coal with green talk doesn't work.

    I'm kinda dumbfounded that electrical use in the US would be climbing when:

    * Lighting, computers, insulation, and hvac systems have all been dramatically improved in the last 20 years. Dramatically.
    * Our population growth rate.. oh wait. all those ****** people on the internet that act like you've gotta be ****** around and having kids all the time or you're a loser....


    20 years ago, you didn't have 3 TV's in every home. Wait til Electric Vehicles become mainstream.


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 08:44 AM
    Well, actually I cannot understand why Apple has rejected original nano's design and has made a return to ipod mini style... IMO Ipod Nano was one of the best designs in Apple's recent history, so I am looking for a second hand one :)

    Wrong thread?

    Good luck getting a non-scratched second hand Nano. Every one I've seen is covered in them. Hence the redesign.

    Back to iTV....

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. review of the Studebaker,
  • review of the Studebaker,

  • backinblack875
    Apr 8, 11:03 PM
    I hope they poach someone that likes BUTTONS.

    WHAT?! the best thing about the iphone IS TOUCH!!!! NO MORE BUTTONS!!!

    Studebaker Silver Hawk. 1959 Studebaker Silver Hawk
  • 1959 Studebaker Silver Hawk

  • arkitect
    Mar 28, 05:01 AM
    I accept same-sex-attracted people as they are. But I won't accept some things that many of them do.
    Such as?
    Loving one another?
    Finding happiness in a same sex relationship?

    So very christian of you� so very typical.


    Studebaker Silver Hawk. Studebaker 1961 Hawk
  • Studebaker 1961 Hawk

  • ryme4reson
    Oct 8, 12:21 PM
    one thing is certain, the athlon is faster than the duron, the pentium 4 is faster than the celeron, and the G4 is faster (in photoshop) than the G3...but beyond that, it is hard to get a perfect reading

    Now I will agree with that!!!!

    Apr 24, 12:40 PM
    There are hells (known as "naraga") in Hinduism and Buddhism too, but none of them are eternal and all of them are only for people who have done really bad things in life - regardless of faith or lack thereof.

    Christian believers who are enslaved by their fear of hell, as opposed to having their faith based on genuine love to God, will allegedly end up in hell anyway.

    I was always under the impression that reincarnation was considered a kind of living hell, like reliving Junior High School over and over again.

    The fire and brimstone of hell certainly figures in a lot of the fundamentalist sects of Christianity and many of the Protestant ones too. My father-in-law is a presbyterian lay preacher and constantly prattled on about it.

    Mar 14, 04:12 PM
    As for solar, it should be mandatory on new construction in areas such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas. It won't solve our energy needs but it will lessen them.The fact remains that most of America's energy problems are caused by conspicuous consumption.


    Mar 20, 06:28 PM
    It is wrong? How so? If I burn a track for my wedding video, yes, I'm technically breakeing the law, but there is nothing immoral about doing that. No one is losing out on any money. No one is being hurt. He isn't stealing anything. He's breaking a copyright law that makes no sense in that case.

    If you add it to your wedding video for your own use then you are not. If you make copies of the video and give them to the wedding guests then you are.


    Apr 25, 10:06 PM
    But Allah is a great poster boy for Atheists as to why religion is the root of all problems lol

    Uh, what lol?. :rolleyes:

    Do try to keep your bias contained to yourself.

    Mar 27, 09:50 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    So long as they only change it in one direction. :rolleyes:


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