понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina

Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Argentina#39;s striker Lionel
  • Argentina#39;s striker Lionel

  • UnixMac
    Oct 10, 06:34 PM
    my 500mhz MP did it in 87 seconds.

    I am amazed however that a P4 can do it in 1/20 that time.... It almost says to me that there is a flaw in how software is coded. Can you use the Altivec to improve this?

    I seem to recall that FP on the G4 was superior to PIII of double the MHz, so how can the P4 be THAT MUCH faster?

    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. LIONEL MESSI 2011 ARGENTINA

  • desdomg
    Mar 20, 12:05 PM
    I say break the law and be done with it.

    It is a stupid law that deserves to be broken IMO.

    I paid for the song and will do what I want with it - passive resistance is all well and good but sometimes there is no substitute for direct action. Given the sheer size of the P2P communities it is clear that the "law makers" are not representing their electorate very well.

    Stage, I work for a charity -- I think I'm doing my part.

    People can certainly disagree over whether DRM is appropriate or not. But like it or not, it is the law (copyright law, DMCA, and EULA law). You can break that law as a form of protest if you like, but, as eric_n_dfw says, the way to do that is by making your lawbreaking public, to be willing to accept the consequences of the lawbreaking, and thus work within the system. That's precisely what the civil rights movement did, that's what Gandhi did, that's what Thoreau wrote about. Anything else isn't protest -- it's no more "noble" than sneaking into movies for free.

    Of course, there are a multitude of other ways to fight the law, including financially supporting the EFF and other like organizations, contacting your lawmakers, contacting recording companies, and, most effective, not buying products you feel restrict your rights. If folks were doing all of these things, then I'd have some respect for the notion that this is a moral and political issue. But as far as I can see, most people stripping DRM out of iTunes aren't doing it out of protest, but simply to make their lives easier, even if that impacts on the rights of the music writers and creators.

    Protest and political change almost always involves sacrifice -- of time, of money, even in extreme cases of personal freedom (as in being jailed). If people aren't facing those kind of sacrifices, then I have serious doubts that they're actually "protesting".


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. 2011, Lionel Messi and
  • 2011, Lionel Messi and

  • PowerGamerX
    Apr 9, 08:19 AM
    These people that are trying to claim they're a hardcore gamer, aren't. A true gamer plays games, regardless of where they are played or how they are played. A gamer plays games. There's nothing more too it than that.

    That said, I don't find iOS games all that compelling personally. I like to have games with a little more depth, which is why I'm a fan of the PSP. There are plenty of great iPhone games, they just aren't great for more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time.

    This doesn't mean I don't like short games, no. This just means I like games to have "more than meets the eye".

    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Argentina#39;s Lionel Messi (R)
  • Argentina#39;s Lionel Messi (R)

  • skunk
    Mar 14, 06:18 PM
    Nobody seems to think of abandoning coal when a bunch of miners die. I think there have been more coal related deaths than nuclear ones.What coal-fired power station had the capability of endangering so many people?


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi argentina 2011.
  • lionel messi argentina 2011.

  • BigDukeSix
    Apr 24, 06:21 PM
    A woman's witness is worth half of a man's: [6]

    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Lionel Messi to play in
  • Lionel Messi to play in

  • thejoshu
    Mar 21, 01:41 AM
    Bullpucky. The RIAA, and recording artists, and Apple, and any other corporate entity, owe you exactly nothing. If you don't like what they're offering, don't buy it -- it's that simple. If enough people don't buy it, then the companies will change -- that's capitalism in action.

    Bullpucky -- I'm going to steal that one for future use, if that's OK - I presume it's CC licensed? I agree with your points about the way capitalism functions; of course, a good uproar always works better than sitting quietly.

    And I want a pony, but neither is going to happen. In the case of music, the person(s) who actually writes and performs the music owns it (unless they sell those rights to someone else, as is often the case). What you get when you buy a CD, or download a song, or for that matter buy a paperback or a poster, is a license for certain legally defined rights. In some cases (like a Creative Commons license) you may have substantial freedom to do what you like with the material, but in most cases, your rights are constrained. That's the way it's always been, and this is nothing new -- copyright has been around for a long time. There isn't anything really special about the digital era with regards to the principle of copyright -- the Internet just makes it easier to violate.

    Funny, I don't remember signing a EULA when I bought my last Allman Brothers CD. But I respect what you're saying: "Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws," you'll find everywhere. I care not for piracy, I care more about Apple not being my only service provider when it comes to listening to purchased tracks. But they provide a good service, and I'll continue to use it.

    If only people could work up a tenth of this kind of moral indignation over things that really matter, like poverty or racism. I despair that the only thing that seems to get geeks politically active is the threat that they won't be able to use their music illegally. It's sad, really.

    You don't know me. Shame on you for treating everyone with an opinion as a troll. I can spread my critiques and indignation far and wide, that I assure you. Please apologize.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Lionel Messi (l) of Argentina
  • Lionel Messi (l) of Argentina

  • MacRumors
    Mar 18, 01:23 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2011/03/18/atandt-cracking-down-on-unauthorized-tethering/)


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi argentina 2011.
  • lionel messi argentina 2011.

  • wpotere
    Mar 18, 01:15 PM
    Will this affect people using tetherme or just mywi?

    Both as they both allow you to civumvent the contract that you agreed to with AT&T.

    I have tethered in the past but stopped because I felt like I was stealing. This is my opinion and choice. Others clearly have found a way to justify doing it and have even gone so far as to say that AT&T is cheating them. Frankly I don't see this as you signed up for a phone, not broadband. For all of you that also think that the heavy usage doesn't affect you, when you start seeing new charges appear because they had to buy more equipment to deal with the higher bandwidth usage then you might change you mind.

    Do I care if you keep doing it? Not really, but be aware that you are on their network and they can see what you are doing.

    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Lionel Messi of Argentina and
  • Lionel Messi of Argentina and

  • Moyank24
    Mar 25, 11:52 PM
    Prove why I should be denied the right to copulate in public, and think of the children is not an acceptable answer

    Give me a break. Now you are just minimizing what is a violation of civil rights.

    sure, homosexuals can go to a "church" and have a "wedding" ceremony, no one is preventing them.

    Being able to have a "wedding ceremony" is not the issue. It's having the same rights as our heterosexual counterparts. This involves about 1000 tax benefits and simple things like hospital visitation.

    Men are allowed to get married to women and vice versa everyone is equal (regardless of the reason).

    We will be equal when men are allowed to marry men and women are allowed to marry women. There was a time when a Black man and white woman didn't have the right to get married. That wrong was righted and so will this one.

    The Catholic Church recognizes that people don't choose to be homosexual, however it does recognize that acting on those urges is entirely their choice. Chastity is what they are called to.

    Luckily I don't recognize what the Catholic Church recognizes. So they can call themselves to chastity. As I said, they need to worry about cleaning their own house, and stay out of mine.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi 2011
  • lionel messi 2011

  • roadbloc
    Apr 9, 06:15 PM
    It's all about the platform.

    Not the games then? I guess that is why the Pippin was such a tremendous success. Less than 80 games, but a great bit of hardware inside the box. Everyone wanted one. :rolleyes:

    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. LIONEL MESSI ARGENTINA 2011

  • Clive At Five
    Sep 20, 05:22 PM
    I just wanted to point out that "hard drive" is an extremely generic term when it comes to layman's terms regarding computers. [...] I have users that refer to the entire COMPUTER as the "hard drive". There is a very good chance that Iger knows very little about computers and could simply be miscommunicating what he means.

    I whole-heartedly agree.

    I find it higly unlikely that there's a physical Hard Drive in the box that amounts to anything more than the UI and/or chache/buffer.

    There's absolutely no need and would complicate the equation indefinitely, especially concerning digital rights.

    Let's assume Iger is right, though, that there IS a HDD in the TelePort (or as you infidels call it, iTV), and that it can act as a stand-alone media access point. The question remains, how would you be able to get media onto it? Either 1) it comes with some sort of operating system which allowed you to connect it to iTS for content, or 2) it could be detected by a Mac or PC as a computer/HD over the network in order to drag-n-drop media.

    Option 1, I think, is too far-fetched and risky. There would be substantial reliability issues using HDs that small to run an OS. We've all heard many nightmare-ish stories about people trying to bring their home computer to work, booting via iPod. Nonetheless, this seems like the most likely option for the use of a HDD.

    Option 2, if this is the case, you already have a full-sized (i.e. reliable) HDD in your computer, which is connected to the internet, (i.e. iTS) for content. Why would you even need a HD in the box? Basically, Apple would be spending money on MicroDrives which don't have a reliable life-span and take up valuable space inside the box and for what? So that you can have an identical copy of a 1GB movie on both your Mac and your iTV box? As long as streaming works, there's no need. As long as streaming works, there's no need. As long as streaming works, there's no need!

    PLUS, with iTunes DRM, you are limited to the number of copies you can make on devices you own. So an HD in the iTV would eat up one of those copies for any of the media you would choose to load onto it.

    I do think, however, it would be likely to allow it to connect to .Mac, although streaming from the net is slower than from within an internal network... and on top of that, I don't know many people who store full-length, full-quality movies in their .Mac storage. In fact, I don't know any.

    So, that's why I think there will be no HDD in the TelePort.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Argentina#39;s soccer player
  • Argentina#39;s soccer player

  • skunk
    Mar 25, 07:13 PM
    You too.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. adidas-messi-argentina
  • adidas-messi-argentina

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 26, 12:46 AM
    Matthew can go F himself.

    Ha. A friend and I were sitting in a predominantly gay bar (with amazing happy hour specials) one afternoon and came up with a catchphrase for those who came in and wrinkled their noses at the clientele: "F your Christ." The sheer in-your-face-ness was glorious. ;)

    Your religion has no place in our laws, we do not live in a christian nation. Get over it.

    Exactly. Things written in a book about being blessed and receiving a reward in heaven mean diddly to the proceedings of the nation. Closer to the OP topic, neither do Catholic views on sexual behavior.

    I cited that verse for Catholics, not for the Catholic Church's critics.

    Hard to tell that, when you quote one of the critics in your post. :rolleyes:


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Argentina#39;s Lionel Messi (L)
  • Argentina#39;s Lionel Messi (L)

  • Ateazz
    Oct 9, 01:57 PM
    Hi guy's

    A job has to be done so use the best software to do that.
    In my case OS-X can't be beaten.
    Look at "The Knowledgenavigator", not about speed but easy to use.

    Make life easy, and Think different.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi 2011 barca.
  • lionel messi 2011 barca.

  • alexdrinan
    Jul 12, 04:04 PM
    Exactly. Numerous people have tried to explain that Merom, Conroe and Woodcrest basically are the same CPU, yet few people seem to have understood it yet. The differences between the parts are almost exclusively external (or atleast not related to the execution core), like socket and FSB frequency. The core architecture has even been said by Intel reps to be the same. The only reason for a Woodcrest CPU to perform better than a Conroe (the non-Extreme edition) would be because of the slightly faster FSB. This advantage could soon be negated by the use of FB-DIMMs.

    So, why get so worked up over this?

    Even if the internal architecture of the two chips is the same, a Dual 3.0ghz Woodcrest configuration is still going to outperform a Single 2.66ghz Conroe. While Conroe might be very good, it's not the best, which is what pro customer's expect from Apple's highest-end workstation offering.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi 2011
  • lionel messi 2011

  • Hellhammer
    Mar 13, 01:39 PM
    I didn't say that they didn't have the need (though I'm betting that they'll turn to green energy, in larger part, when they begin the rebuilding process; solar, wind, etc...).

    I just questioned how well thought out the idea was to build these plants in an area that is highly susceptible to volcanic activity.

    Roscoe Wind Farm, which is the largest wind farm in the world, provides only 781.5 MW of power while Fukushima I for example, provides 4.7 GW (over six times as much). That wind farm takes 400km^2 so a wind farm that could replace the Fukushima I would take 2400km^2.

    The largest solar power plant provides only 97 MW so even worse.

    In the end, earthquake like this doesn't happen that often. Hopefully Japan and other countries learn from this and improve their protection against earthquakes.


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi 2011 barca.
  • lionel messi 2011 barca.

  • javajedi
    Oct 9, 08:03 PM
    Someone inquired about the benchmark Java console program I created:

    It's located at http://members.ij.net/javajedi

    I've also included the source (FPMathTest.java) for the curious.

    Download the class file and invoke it from Terminal via "java FPMathTest"

    I must warn you in advance my PowerBook G4 performs miserabily. It does not utilize Altivec(G4), SSE2(P4), or other vector processing extensions.

    Enjoy :)


    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. Argentina coach Sergio Batista
  • Argentina coach Sergio Batista

  • emotion
    Sep 20, 10:40 AM
    The obvious uses for a HDD to be included in the iTV have been discussed fairly extensivly. I'll try not to rehash anything, and all appologies if I do without giving credit. On to the point.

    Apple is in the hardware business. They make software and provided services to generate sales and lock you into thier hardware. They make like $.01 per song; maybe $.50 a movie. So why do it? So we'll be a new iPod/computer/iTV every few years. The same holds true for iTV. Its hardware. Apple will include anything if it makes the hardware purchase more compelling. So why the HDD in iTV? For ALL the obvious reasons. Maybe they partition an 80GB iPod drive; say 10, 10 and 60. 10GB for a "rental" service downloaded straignt to the new box. 10GB for a streaming cache from your computer. And 60GB for PRV use. Why not?

    You might have a point here but at that price point I suspect a 30GB HD and no PVR use. The HD could be used for caching and PPV/rental movies though.

    Lionel Messi 2011 Argentina. lionel messi 2011.
  • lionel messi 2011.

  • wnurse
    Mar 18, 03:05 PM
    It's a great convenience until the RIAA gets pissed and either changes their mind about downloadable music or tells Apple to hike their prices.

    We shouldn't worry though, Apple will defeat this in no time.

    Really?. how?. Regardless of what apple does, it might be even easier for DVD Jon to break their new programming than for them to come up with new programming. Think about it. A company with a lot of paid developers getting outwitted by a guy with time on his hands. I think he wins everytime. Their cost to defeat him is astromnomical compared to his cost to defeat them.

    Although it's an eye opener to know that itunes itself is what wraps the music with DRM. I'd have thought the music was already DRM'd on the server. But I can see why apple chose that route, so that to get DRM'd songs onto an ipod, you would have to use itunes. I bet they never thought someone would bypass the itunes interface (kind of shortsighted if you ask me, this should have been anticipated).

    One way around this problem would be to store the music in an encoded format and have itunes decode the music and wrap in DRM.
    Unfortunately, that can be bypassed too. A competent enough person (example DVD jon) could intercept the process between decode and before DRM wrapping and deliver the music. Another way would be for itunes server to request itunes to send a key and then use that key to add DRM to the music on server before delivering to user, although then you could build a player that intercepted the key and uses it to remove the DRM.
    I'm sure for every solution apple can think of, DVD jon can think of a way to defeat it. There might be no technical solution to the problem at all.


    Apr 26, 07:47 AM
    It's about power and control- nothing more.

    Think Obama & Jobs the supreme power couple :)

    Oct 9, 08:32 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    Only we have some people come on this board who claim that the Mac is much slower. For what purpose?
    To show people that Macs are not as fast as Apple claims them to be, and to send Apple a message that they need to get their hardware in gear already. "We" want Apple to succeed as much as you do. What we don't want is for Apple to become complacent, as it has recently, and sell nothing but high-priced boxes full of yesterday's technology. (PC100/133 across the board, and crippled DDR in the Power Macs. No Firewire2, no USB2, no ATA-133. Is this 2002 or is it 1999?)
    And Arne, if you are reading these boards, please delete clearly PC biased hate posts ASAP.
    Silence your opposition - fabulous.

    Apr 10, 01:01 PM
    If you are going to buy something to mainly play games on when you are out of the house which one are you going to buy.

    Ipod Touch: 230$ USD
    Nintendo DS: 130$ USD
    PSP: 130$ USD

    I think the price of the PSP and DS make them more attractive that and the point they are not an mp3 player that can play touch games.

    The iOS devices do not have the hardware that a made for gaming handheld has. a PSP still has better graphics then any iOS game rendered on the spot. The PSP and DS also have a larger advantage...Hard buttons. for real gaming that is a must.

    Love how you left out the 3DS for $250. ;)

    Mar 18, 11:24 AM
    Why do they have to charge for tethering? It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. If I tether a lot, I will use more than 2 gigs in a month. Charge me extra at that point. At least they now give you 2 Gig extra for your tethering money. I would just prefer to not pay for that extra 2 gig until I need it. I only need to tether once a month at best, so I don't want to pay for a bunch of tethering. I also don't want to leave my unlimited plan. Sadly, I have never gone over 2 GB, but I like knowing that I don't have to worry about it.


    Jul 13, 09:06 AM
    Nope, it doesn't. Besides, I already told you in another thread that Intel agrees with my intrepetation on this matter. The see dual-dual systems as 2-way systems, whereas according to you, they are 4-way systems. Are you saying that Intel does not know what they are doing?
    Intel and AMD push hard to make sure that a dual-core processor is *licensed* as a single CPU. This is because there are a lot of big software packages that are priced according to the number of processors, often much more expensive for a 4-way than a 2-way.

    The CPU makers wouldn't sell as many multi-core chips if the systems were much more expensive (in TCO) than single-core chips. Therefore they pretend that a "processor" is what can be plugged into a socket. The software sees that there are "physical processors" (a package with pins) and "logical processors" (the CPU that we've been familiar with for decades, which requires SMP hardware capabilities to be useful with 2 or more).

    They say that software licensing should consider the *physical* processor count for licensing terms. (For example, XP Home will run SMP on a dual-core, but not on a dual-socket. XP Pro will run 4-way SMP on a dual-socket quad-core, but not on a quad-socket quad-core. Microsoft licensing looks at the number of physical processors, while of course the software runs according to the number of logical processors.)

    So, Intel/AMD/MS have an agenda that requires them to distort the meaning of the word "processor". They have to warp the word "processor" to justify the licensing stance.

    And, if you're so hung up on the hardware distinctions, consider:


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